You guys, it is here! It is launch week for my brand new online course, The Storytelling Advantage. I don’t know if I want to dance and scream with excitement or poop my pants, but here we are. I wanted to take an opportunity to gather anything and everything you might want to know about the course in one spot! Make sure to share it with a friend if you think they’d benefit from this course!
What is it?

The Storytelling Advantage is a 3 part program.
The first part is a self-paced digital course. When you enroll you get access to 7 modules, 25 lessons and a 65 page workbook. You work through all of this on your own in your own time.
The second part is a monthly coaching call. Anyone who is enrolled in the program can join me on Zoom (second Tuesday of every month at 8:00PM CST) and we will do a little bit of education followed by Q&A, feedback, connection, etc. These calls are super casual and really just meant as an opportunity to provide even more support.
The third part is an online community. When you enroll you will be added to an online community called Storytellers. It is only open to people currently enrolled in my course, so everyone will be going through the same lessons, implementing the same philosophies, etc. My hope is that it is a space for connection, feedback, and encouragement. I will check in there often but you will also have the chance to connect with other small business owners which I love.
Enroll on the Courses tab of my website!
What does it cover?
The Storytelling Advantage digs into what story and storytelling are. Then it does a deep dive into helping you listen to and connect with your authentic voice. This allows you to show up fully as yourself within your business and spaces. From there we get into who your ideal client is so that you can speak directly to them with purpose and clarity. Then after we have a grip on your voice, your audience, your tone, your vibe, your language, etc. we start creating. This course walks you through how to craft a mission statement and a vision statement, a social media Bio, an About page, a Sales page, an email newsletter, and social media captions. It lays out the specifics of what those pages require, offers suggestions for what to include, guides you through how to craft the content to fill those spaces, and helps you weave your story and experiences into all of it. Finally, the course wraps up by making sure you can publish with confidence. We talk about some of my favorite resources to help with editing and proofing, SEO, and AI.
What is the cost?
The Storytelling Advantage is launching at $349.50! (Use code LAUNCH50 to receive the discount!)
That breaks down to $50 per module, $14 per lesson, and under $60 per piece of content you are creating!
Who is this course for?
If you are a female business owner and entrepreneur, The Storytelling Advantage is for you! It will help you identify your voice, own your story, and create connections and relationships with your ideal client and audience. It will also help you find a new level of integrity and grounding within your life and business.
If you have ever thought:
1. I don’t have a story to tell.
2. I was taught to keep personal and business totally separate.
3. Nobody will care what I have to say.
4. My story isn’t unique enough.
5. Even if I wanted to tell my story, I’m not a writer.
This course is for you.
Listen, you have a story to tell. Your story has a place and is allowed to take up space. People do care and want to know you. Your story deserves to be told. You deserve to tell it. You are capable of telling it.
If you’ve found yourself thinking any of the above, we need to get you signed up for my course. The time is now, sis. Telling your story will transform your life and your business.
How? It’ll help you connect with yourself and gain clarity so you can show up with more purpose and intention. Your ideal clients will be drawn to this. Relationships will deepen. And revenue will follow.
Your story is your missing piece.

I am brand new to my business, is this a good place to start?
YES! This is the perfect place to start. If you can learn to approach your business through this lens it will spill into every aspect of your business and content creation. It will help you establish your voice from the beginning and create with deeper purpose. I wish more people would start here!
How long will it take to complete the course?
Some students will binge each module and finish the course in a week. Others will dedicate 15 minutes a day here and there as they can over the course of a few months.
When creating this course I envisioned students being able to carve out 1-2 hours a week for modules 1-5. Module 6 really gets into the creation and depending on your needs I expect it will take longer. The deeper you get into the course the more time it will require. But it will vary greatly from student to student.
What makes your course different?
There are a few things that set The Storytelling Advantage apart.
1. I am an educator by training. The curriculum and the scope and sequence of this course were very important to me. I provide resources that appeal to a wide variety of learning styles. Additionally, I know the impact of individual support and am finding ways to weave that in through the online community and coaching calls.
2. We dive into the inner work, the mindset work, and then the tangible creation aspect. We make sure you are set up for success from the beginning so you can approach creation with clarity and purpose.
3. If you complete all of the lessons you will have all the content you need to either get a business up off the ground, or to clarify your branding all the way through an effective sales funnel.
4. I am teaching you and walking you through the exact strategies I use with my paying clients to help them create content and copy that feels and sounds like them! This course was born from my direct experience working with clients over the past year.
What students are saying:

For more testimonials about The Storytelling Advantage check out the Highlight called Student Feedback on my Instagram profile!
Are there any launch promotions?
Of course!! Not only is The Storytelling Advantage launching at 50% off but if you enroll within the first week (January 30-February 6) you will get TWO free bonus offers. One free one-on-one coaching session and one free feedback session. What does this mean? It means we will schedule a call at any point that is most helpful for you to walk through the content of the course even more specifically. You will get direct, individualized support through the coaching call. Then after you have completed module 6 and created some of your pieces you can choose one to send to me by email. I will proof, edit, make suggestions, etc., and get it back to you. Just another level of support to make sure you’re publishing with confidence.
To claim the launch price and bonus offers make sure to use code LAUNCH50 at checkout before February 6. You will receive instructions via email about how to book your coaching call and take advantage of the feedback session!
If you’re ready to commit to yourself and your business, enroll now!

I don’t have a business, how can I support you?
My business is built on referrals and networking. I could not do what I do without the help of a supportive community. If you’re willing to share this post with a friend who may be interested, share my Instagram page with someone you know, or even just share my content to your stories, that goes a super long way!
You guys, I have spent more hours than I could possibly count dreaming up and creating this course. It was born from such a special place. You all know I love writing so much and I adore working with female entrepreneurs to help them craft content that feels and sounds like them. But the more I have worked with clients the more I’ve realized how similar our struggles really are within this space. We are showing up small. We are showing up scared. We are showing up timid. We are showing up masked. We are showing up unsure. Sometimes we don’t even realize it because we have been taught or conditioned to do this.
When working with clients and starting to unearth all the things keeping us from showing up fully in our businesses and speaking from our authentic voices I am witnessing women and their businesses come to life. I don’t know how else to put it. The spark comes back. The energy lifts. It feels like magic.
That is why I believe in this course. Because if we can use our voice and our story to create our mission statement and then allow that to inform our decisions and our content then everything we do continues to align. It continues to build consistency, reliability, and trust.
Creating from a space of authenticity and allowing your stories and your lived experiences to breathe gives you so much more freedom to shift and to grow and to expand.
I want us all to have the ability to show up in our businesses every single day with excitement, passion, and clarity. I want us to feel supported in the connections we are making. I want us to feel confident that our offers are unique and necessary and powerful.
I truly believe this course can give you that.

As always, thank you for reading and for supporting my dreams.
With so much love and gratitude,