The Transformative Magic of Sharing Your Story in Business and Beyond
So many women I’ve talked to are afraid that sharing their story is selfish. They worry it sounds like they’re bragging about themselves or elevating themselves or monetizing their experiences. But here’s what I want to say to that. Sharing your story is one of the greatest gifts you can give to someone else. It is such a brave, selfless offering.
There is a quote that says something like, “the quickest way to create a connection is through sharing a story.”
Not only does it allow for us to create connection but it forces us to take down some walls, get vulnerable, and let someone in. That is relationship building!
If we could think of sharing our story as a means of creating connection and building relationships it would help ease the stigma around it being self-centered.
Every time one of us is brave enough to share our story we give permission to someone else to share their story too. That is freedom. That is expansion. We all become a little more free when someone is brave enough to speak and let their story take up space.

I share my story regularly as part of my business. On this blog, on social media, in conversation…I couldn’t run this business if I wasn’t also sharing my story. I cannot recall a single time that I’ve ever shared my story when it wasn’t met with, “thank you so much for sharing that,” “That resonates with me so deeply,” “Oh my gosh, yes.” But I can recall dozens of times I hesitated to share something because I was worried about how it would be received or how I would be perceived. And in those moments I literally have to say to myself, “what does the data show?” Because the data, past encounters, and all of my life experiences have proved time and time again that sharing my story is always worth it.
You do not have to have experienced the same things I do/did in order to connect with and understand my story. Imagination and empathy go a long way! But just because the specifics are different doesn’t mean the trends and themes aren’t the same. We all understand pain, grief, joy, passion, excitement! When we can communicate those emotions and the experiences that have brought them on, we connect. When we connect we understand one another in new and deeper ways. You can’t tell me that we aren’t all better for that!
If you are building a business and offering a product or service you know how important it is to connect with people. It is essential to any marketing strategy. Gimmicks and offers and promos don’t mean anything if the person on the other side of the screen doesn’t know who you are. If they don’t feel connected to you in some way they’re never going to remember what you’re doing. But, you know what people do remember? Stories.
Your story is magic. It deserves to take up space in this world. Someone needs to hear what you have to say. Are you brave enough to say it?
A reminder that my course The Storytelling Advantage is launching a week from today on January 30! You can learn more by checking out my website or by joining my email list! Make sure to check out all the behind the scenes over on my Instagram too!
With so much love and gratitude,