We are officially in launch month for my course: The Storytelling Advantage! I cannot believe it is going to be here so soon! I have been working on this course for months and it is so special to me. I really cannot wait to share it with the world and witness the ways it transforms businesses and lives. One of the biggest benefits of the approach I am teaching is that it allows you to show up fully as yourself in your business.
I started my business as a freelance writer last summer. With lots of nudges from the universe, my therapist, my friends, and my family I decided to bet on myself. I got this blog up and running, I took a few courses, and I began offering my services as a writer. That’s what you saw.
I was working with other female entrepreneurs to help them craft website copy, social media captions, email newsletters, etc. that shared the messages of their businesses but that also captured the essence of who they were and why they did what they did.
In working with dozens of women the same holdups kept coming up. On repeat. Women didn’t feel like they really had a story to tell. Or women were scared if they put too much personality into their content that it would discount their expertise. Or women knew what they wanted to say but weren’t sure exactly how to say it and they were stuck in an overthinking spiral.
I coached individual women through these struggles and every time the same themes kept emerging. And every time I found myself thinking, “I wish I could share this message…this tactic…this framework…with more female entrepreneurs.”
Here’s the deal…I felt so passionate about this and so attached to the idea because I was them. A year ago when I was agonizing over re-entering the paid workforce and the idea was first floated to start my own business…the part you didn’t see…I could’ve wallpapered my home with all the limiting beliefs, fears, and hesitations I had. Who would want to work with me? Why would they want to work with me? Did I actually have any skills or expertise to allow me to serve other people? And then even after I decided this is what I was going to do…the imposter syndrome just wouldn’t let up. I mean I had days where my self-talk was so negative it was embarrassing. And then I would catch myself altering my message or shifting what I wanted to do just simply because I felt like someone else would expect it to be a certain way. Or maybe I would see more success if I mimicked or channeled someone else’s methods.
In the early stages of my planning, I would catch myself so eager to check an item off a list that I would just throw something together. But then a few weeks later I would be redoing that same piece because it didn’t look, feel, or sound like me. Talk about a time suck. Even now, I look back at some of the posts on my social media and I cringe a little knowing that the voice I was speaking from was just one I was trying on. It wasn’t mine.
It is hard to be a female entrepreneur. You are juggling all the things. Then on top of it you’re expected to show up on social media with a message that resonates, that sparks engagement, and that feeds into your business’s success. You’re literally expected to churn out content every single day on top of your normal business obligations. Before I could even announce my business to the world I was already overwhelmed.
So, here’s what I did…and what I teach in my course…
I paused. I spent a lot of time digging into my story. And when I say story I mean all of my lived experiences that led me to exactly where I was in that moment. Then I reconnected with my why: the reasons why I was choosing to start my business. These reasons are directly tied to my story. Once I knew my why with crystal clear clarity I spent time thinking about exactly who I wanted to serve and why. Then I started brainstorming about what I could offer to them.
Once I had all of these pieces sorted out I was able to approach my copy and my content with so much more purpose and energy. I was able to show up fully for the first time in my business. I couldn’t show up as anyone else because nobody else had the same why, the same exact ideal client, and the same mission. I became so grounded in what I was doing that I always had guidance for what to say and where to step next.

Being able to show up in that way took all of the second-guessing away. That alone saved me time and energy. But it also gave me undeniable confidence. It was the best and most efficient way to quiet the imposter syndrome. My ideal clients needed to hear from me because I had an offer that I knew provided value to them. Promoting myself no longer felt salesy or icky. It felt like sharing something I loved and believed in with a friend.
Being story-centered and allowing my story and my experiences to inform quite literally every aspect of my business completely transformed how I show up and how I operate. This same energy and confidence is spilling over into other aspects of my life too.
I talk a lot about living my biggest, bravest life. My business and my work is a direct result of that commitment. Being able to honor that within my business and in the way I serve my clients is everything. It is making this chapter of my life one of the most fulfilling I have ever experienced. It fills me with so much excitement about the future too, just dreaming of ways I can keep this momentum and this learning and this commitment to authenticity going…
If you’re a female entrepreneur who is new to your business or looking to feel new in your business again, this course is for you. I would love to walk you through the exact process I used and the one I coach my clients through so that they can create copy and content they love. This course not only helps shift your mindset and approach but it gives you concrete tasks, frameworks, and templates so that you can create everything from your mission statement to your sales page to your social media captions. And I do my best to make sure you have everything you need to hit publish or share with confidence!
You can join my waitlist today so you’ll be among the first notified of launch promos! If you have questions, don’t hesitate to ask! If you want to see the behind-the-scenes make sure to follow me on Instagram.
With so much love and gratitude,